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Chapter 10

29 Apr 2024

~ When You Wish Upon A Star ~

~ When You Wish Upon A Star ~

Taking up another quest-board task today, with the party deciding to help Ellie, a local bard from Bellthorne, with her archeology search. She's trying to find a book written by her father, penning and collection of songs and tales of their people.

Ellie seemed a bit too bubbly and excited at first, especially for a task of considerable danger, but nonetheless we dive into the cavern she scouted, alert and cautious. Eventually finding our way through tight crevices and tunnels, Finn notices a pack of kobolds rallying under several goblin leaders.

Ina, sensing trouble and wanting to avoid it, casts a clever illusion - somehow convincing the kobolds of goblin betrayal and trickery, eventually inspiring their group to mutiny against their leaders. On top of that, the party miraculously convinces the kobolds to come with, and with that - Thelsig gains a group of capable workers for her Atelier.

At the end of the tunnels, Ellie finally locates her father's book. Tale as old as time, formatted in a series of ballads and songs; detailing an enclave formed of artists, musicians and storytellers disillusioned with an oppressive society and laboring agricultural life.

Through the songs' many lines and stanzas, the book summarizes the tyranny of the region's lording noble, their name lost to the decades. It tells of the commune, praying to the Gods of Music and Nature. And it tells of their ultimate demise - labeled heretics and witches, with the community torn and slaughtered by soldiers.

I imagine finding her father's book was relief and closure for Ellie - but she had nowhere else to go, nobody to turn to. And that means she's welcome aboard. Welcome to our big family, Ellie - can't wait for your duets with Guido!

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