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Chapter 12

7 May 2024

~ When You Wish Upon A Star ~

~ When You Wish Upon A Star ~

Having some downtime before attending the Baron's audience for our Royal Court invite, the party decides to head to the Bellthorne Spring Festival. This time, Ponk would tag along, a new friend Celestia met during a lolita dress shopping run.

The party fed on candied apples and kobold nuggies, while Finn and Ina competed in a beer chugging contest, though strangely they seemed to taste ketchup and mustard instead. After beating some kids at their own game of "Mage Stones", it was finally time for the Baron. As expected, nothing comes easy - and this Baron is greedy; in return for the Royal Court invitation; we are to locate lost artefacts he once lent to the Rewich's.

Though what connection that gives him to that family, remains to be seen. We promised we'd "do our best", without guarantees, as the invitation was more vital to the moment.

In court...all manner of lords, dukes, duchesses and barons were in attendance, of course, under the watchful eye of the Queen's Guard, as well as the Queen herself. Presenting our evidence in court, calling on Mystra's Librarian and Guido to the stands - was enough to convince everyone of the Rewich's evildoings.

To conclude...the Queen wants the Rewich's annihilated. Top to bottom; to target and cleanse the land of Rewich blood. A tall task, entrusted to us.

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