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Chapter 14

12 May 2024

~ When You Wish Upon A Star ~

~ When You Wish Upon A Star ~

With the Queen's Mission coming upon us, Finn, Stella, Hannah and I decided to run some errands pertinent to the mission's success.

We first stopped by the Bastion, visiting Thelsig's Atelier and providing her with a status update. The healing potion business was running smoothly, with the Kobold Alliance providing support. However, it would be some time before she could reverse engineer Grunguln's Potion of Explosivity acquired from the party's last quest. It is, after all, foul alchemical magic. Regardless, I'm confident we can gather what we need for the potions, and they shall be of use when the mission comes to play.

The next stop was the Rewich's Castle proper...we had obtained a roughly sketched map from Guido beforehand, hoping he'd remember the layout and positions of his ex-family's homestead. The information was reliable, and the humble palace was heavily guarded, even through the night.

However, one detail that Guido missed was an offshoot cave to the side of the main castle gates. To our sneaky surprise, it was tunneled through by some sizeable ants, all the way to the Rewich's wine cellar. No one could've known about this tunnel's existence, nor that it connects to the outward cave.

Nature, busy at work. Let's hope this tunnel affords us a good play.

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