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Chapter 16

19 May 2024

~ When You Wish Upon A Star ~

~ When You Wish Upon A Star ~

Another day, another quest board task as we prepare for the Queen's Mission. This time, we're answering a dusty notice board's request to retrieve a stolen Tarrasque Head trophy from a local Mead and Milk.

As the party arrives to the tavern it question, its owner Patsy seemed quite aggravated - and there was some tension between him and his bodyguard, who we learn to be named Phian. The story, as told by Patsy, was that a pack of kobolds suddenly appeared and stole his Tarrasque Head; taking it into the dungeon situated below the Mead and Milk. Why there was a dungeon there to begin with, begs to be questioned.

With the task at hand, the party adventures into the tunnels, avoiding poison and arrow traps, finally navigating into the Kobold's Cave...only to discover another story altogether. According to the kobold pack, Patsy had agreed to let them live peacefully in these caverns below the Mead and Milk, in exchange for their labor - only now to have gone back on this agreement as it was never signed on pen and paper.

On top of that, we learn that Patsy was also severely underpaying Phian, also delaying her salary for the work she's done. With the bigger picture much clearer, we return with Phian in tow; having now bought a week of her time - and...sternly, for lack of a pretty description, warn Patsy to do the right thing.

Phian's pay was now honored and boosted, as was the Kobold Pack's homestead in the caverns. If Patsy was ever to be a dishonorable businessman again - he knows we can always visit.

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