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Chapter 18 - The Queen's Mission

25 May 2024

~ When You Wish Upon A Star ~

~ When You Wish Upon A Star ~

Here we go, the Queen's Mission is about to unfold, and we're heading deep into Rewich territory knowing that their palace is heavily guarded by human, kobold and goblin forces alike. Regardless, we need to get this done, and the deadline for the Rewich's Death Wish has been long overdue.

We first start by infiltrating through the cavern cellar route we found during the last recon run, and gain access into the palace without issue. The only resistance we found was a drunken guard - and for good measure, we toyed with his wine before eliminating the threat entirely.

Scouting further ahead, we run into a band of kobolds and goblins we immediately dispatch before they sound further alarms, and discover two rooms branching from the underground complex; a storage facility, and a laboratory. Whatever operation the Rewich Clan is running here, involves white powder that seemingly dissolves in water to make wine; yet with our...experimentation on the guards, the powder itself is lethal. Perhaps it's something to be used in conjunction with the Everbloom for an even more potent poison; and perhaps we can craft it into a dart or arrow for better modes of delivery.

Leading up from the laboratory compound, and further through bands of guards and kobolds, swiftly taking them out of the picture, we arrive at a staircase leading into the palace proper. Only, the first room we encounter is immediately a decorated grand hall; and there are first two targets stand. Arguable, the most important targets - Artin and Hilda Rewich - the patriarch and matriarch of the family, respectively.

This brings a massive dilemma into our hands, for if we were to leave Artin and Hilda alone, they would most likely gather stronger bodyguard forces and defenses, especially if they were to be alerted of any harm befalling the other Rewich's. Yet, if we were to deal with them now, while the head honchos would be defeated, the entirety of the palace would be on immediate red alert.

After a lengthy discussion, we decide to eliminate Artin and Hilda. It was a fierce battle, with the Brute King's battle style grappling our fighters and toppling them further with his battleaxe, and the Spellcasting Queen further rallying him still. At the end of it, I managed to slay Artin after countless Starlight Blasts, with a timely Magic Missile; while the others worked on ending Hilda and her bodyguards...though not without her calling in kobold reinforcements.

And a lengthy battle became even lengthier still - though our heroes managed to come out on top, albeit quite battered and worse for wear.

Artin and Hilda Rewich, scratched off our list.

Next, comes the treasurer, the security, and the heir apparent...

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