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Chapter 22 - "The Queen's Mission Part 2"

8 Jun 2024

~ When You Wish Upon A Star ~

With Artin and Hilda Rewich felled, the party turns to the remainder of the Queen's List. A few targets remain; Berney Rewich (the heir apparent to the Rewich Clan), Ilhard (the Rewich Treasurer), and the Head of Security (of whom the party has yet to identify).

The heroes approach the hallways carefully, wary of the castle being on high alert from the assassination of the heads of house...only it was far too silent. We were expecting much heavier resistance, from humans, goblins and kobolds alike - but there were no guards along the hallways, no strike teams, nothing.

We caught wind of people fleeing the castle compound, and Caliban managed to pose as a remaining guard to question a running maid. Whatever the plan was, it was going to happen in Bellmare, as Artin and Hilda Rewich saw to it that the majority of their forces would march on the town, ready to strike, even if they were to be slain. Cunning, and despicable.

With the bigger picture finally revealing itself, and the impending threat to Bellmare growing ever closer, the party quickly scours the rest of the castle for their the process running into two of Guido's sisters. One was hiding in a corner, distraught and going through a severe panic attack...the poor girl. We've yet to know of her name, but Guido was happy to see her all the same - as we escorted her back to the Setsuna Caravan into the safety of the supporting party and Old Man Jenkins.

The other, Selene Rewich. As she too, traveled back to the Setsuna Caravan, there was a lapsing moment where she doubted whether to be introduced as Selene, or Danore Rewich. Regardless of her appearance, the party is happy to know her as Selene. Welcome aboard, and we have an assortment of lovely dresses for all to try on, so long as you love them so!

Moving on to the remainder of the Queen's Targets, however...was Berney Rewich. The cowardly heir apparent was holed up in a security room alongside a bodyguard captain...and we swiftly dealt with him as he tried to launch an ambush strike. The captain, knowing of the Rewich's crimes, surrendered promptly, and cooperated fully. Perhaps he will make a good training officer for our Bastion's Honor Guard.

And thus, leaves Illhard, the Rewich's Treasurer. He too, surrendered to the night's events. Waiting for the party at the Rewich Castle Gate with a barrel of beer, he explained that he never wanted to commit such crimes for the Rewich's. Not being of Rewich blood, Illhard took the treasury job in order to make a living - but though disapproving of the Rewich's activities - he was either unable or unwilling to stop them in his position.

The party wanted to offer clemency to Illhard, seeing that he was not truly an architect of the Rewich's Crimes. But Illhard wanted to pass into the night, and see his family in the afterlife. Sharing a few beers with the party, a few laughs and tears, Caliban saw to a swift ending for Illhard.

And now, we march, to defend Bellmare.

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