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  • Writer's pictureMiss Macy

Day 665 - #15

It's almost been a year since my last post - which means it's almost been 2 years of HRT. Time flies, doesn't it?

Yet it still feels like my journey just begun, my life as Macy has just started, and I intend to live it fully.

I suppose I'll keep this post short and sweet so I can return to update when the 2 year mark actually arrives. My life in the past year has been pretty hectic and eventful too...

- There's working at KWH as an Orthopedic House Officer. 36 to 40 hour call schedules that I somehow normalized and internalized as being normal, not realizing how much damage it did to my health. But, let it be known that I was a darn good houseman at that :")

- Then after was/is the dermatomyositis relapse. Old demons coming to bite me once again. Never thought I'd have to contend with this old monster, let alone to such a degree. Since October of 2022 I've been unable to go back into the field because of it, and losing muscle function. Treating these days as an extended holiday, being frustrated with my lack of rehabilitation progress, but also dreading the need to return to housemanship and fearing the worst for another triggered relapse.

- Steroids. With rheumatology, comes steroids. And whatever lords above know I despise that wretched drug. Water retention, moon face, body weight issues, mood swings, susceptibility to least now it's down to 10mg daily and I'm not mentally struggling with it as much. It used to make me avoid the mirror entirely out of dysmorphia.

- But also...learning that I have a bunch of lovely friends who love and care for me like family :")

Until Next Time

~ Macy/Hearth

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