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  • Writer's pictureMiss Macy

My Transition Journey - #6

Those were the first words I had said to anybody other than my girlfriend, about my gender dysphoria. It was a massive, thousand ton weight lifted off my chest. I had so many insecurities to work through, so many fears, so many worries.

Note - I chose to see Dr. Gordon Wong/Optimind Clinic in Causeway Bay :) psychiatrist was there for me. He never once made me feel like he was just doing the job for my money. He actually cares - about me, my situation, everything. I worked through all of the little details with him - my pain, my suffering, my broken heart. I wonder how I held back the tears...

Before long I had gotten my diagnosis - gender dysphoria. I had known all along what was going on - but to see that on paper...was another boat-load of emotions. Soon after that, my referral letter to the GID Clinic at the Prince of Wales Hospital, and one to see an endocrinologist.

My appointment for the GID Clinic is slated to be on the 7th of December 2021. As I write this, it's still a 2 month and 2 week wait. Soon, though. Soon ^TM.

As for the endocrinologist...I chose to see Dr. Rose Ting/Qualigenics. Like Dr. Wong, she was so kind and accepting of my situation, and even understanding of my crazy schedule as a medical student. Even her staff were extremely kind, using my preferred name and pronouns whenever possible :') My first appointment with Dr. Ting was on the 10th of June 2021 - and I had gotten my bloodwork done then and there, with my prescription filled out only minutes later.

This was it, HRT Day, E-Day, whatever you want to call it. The start of a long journey, the start of a new life. *MY* Life. 10/6/21.

~ Macy/Hearth

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